Anne Marguerite Herbst Watching Within oil on canvas, 16 x 20 in. 2005
In 1924, French poet, Andre Breton, published Manifesto of Surrealism: a treatise denouncing realism and rationality. He believed the "omnipotence of dreams" and exploring the unconscious would liberate humanity. This idea became a revolutionary art movement producing weird, wild and fantastical images. It has been embraced worldwide, in many mediums, ever since. Bring us your surreal art and help us celebrate 100 years of Surrealism.
Delivery begins Friday, June 14th 12 - 6 pm and continues throughout the exhibition. Deliver only on days open: Thursday-Sunday 12-6pm.
1 submission per artist.
All mediums no larger than 4' x 4'
Delivery by anyone other than Artist will not be accepted.
Art must be ready to hang.
Art will be hung "salon style” as it arrives.
Art must be picked up by Sunday, July 28, 6pm.
Artists can retrieve their work anytime during the exhibition. Arrangements to pick up art must be made if Artist will not be available by closing date.
Reception: Saturday, July 13, 1-6 pm. Artists Talk at 2pm.
Artist may choose to sell or not.
FOG receives 30% of sale.
Print Contract and bring with your art, or fill out a contract when you deliver your art.
Questions? Contact